Digital Submittals

Instant Collaboration to

accelerate your cash flow

Leverage the Cloud for Project Delivery with Digital Submittals

  • Submit all deliverables via email links
  • Clients & Stakeholders can review a project in PIONEER at no extra cost
  • Visualize and analyze project data
  • Leverage dynamic filters & queries
  • Review & analyze each inspection at a granular level
  • Easily navigate media, comment & collaborate with teammates in the cloud
  • Shorten your Accounts Receivable cycle
  • Provide Stakeholders a chain of custody for project data

Create Inspections from an Asset

Quickly generate single inspections or projects direct to PIONEER, or create from pre-populated inspection headers.

Access Open GIS Maps within PIONEER

Improve communication and collaboration between Utilities, Contractors, Engineers to benefit the community.

View the Location of Your Inspection details

Make informed decisions about your data in relation to it's geographical location.

The Easy Way to Share Data

A game-changer for contractors and engineers who have in the past struggled with multiple rounds of feedback and requested changes, causing unnecessary delay to projects and to approving invoices.

The Digital Submittal feature enables sharing of your projects in PIONEER® instantly via emailed links to Clients and Stakeholders for review on the web where they can accept, comment, share with others, and (if needed) download all the deliverables.

Leverage the Cloud for Project Delivery with Digital Submittals

  • Submit all deliverables via email links
  • Clients & Stakeholders can review a project in PIONEER at no extra cost
  • Visualize and analyze project data
  • Leverage dynamic filters & queries
  • Review & analyze each inspection at a granular level
  • Easily navigate media, comment & collaborate with teammates in the cloud
  • Shorten your Accounts Receivable cycle
  • Provide Stakeholders a chain of custody for project data

We made PIONEER so easy to use. Like, really easy.