Custom Video Overlay & Audio

Auto update & format overlay & sound in inspection videos

Create Inspections from an Asset

Quickly generate single inspections or projects direct to PIONEER, or create from pre-populated inspection headers.

Access Open GIS Maps within PIONEER

Improve communication and collaboration between Utilities, Contractors, Engineers to benefit the community.

View the Location of Your Inspection details

Make informed decisions about your data in relation to it's geographical location.

Apply various templates to your inspection video overlays and customize to meet Owner specifications, whenever needed.

  • PIONEER enables inspection Contractors to alter colors, text style, and the fields displayed. 
  • Overlays can be previewed when reviewing a video, or just before download/export 
  • You can choose to have just text, or text & audio, and choose from: 
    - Initial header splash screen 
    - Running text at the top of every frame 
    - Observation/condition overlays
    - Even a distance counter if your source video was missing it

Go here to watch a short demo video of this

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